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Agrofrost offers you a complete range of frost protection solutions. Orchards, vinyards, greenhouses, open fields... Whatever crop you have, you need to protect against night frost. We can help. And because we have several systems available, we can always offer you the ideal solution for your situation.
No one else can.
Frost Guard
The FrostGuard: the most flexible
Frost Guard
The Frostbuster: the most economical
Our Frostbuster and FrostGuard not only protect your crop against night frost, they also improve the fruit set and pollination. This is an important advantage that we can offer you through our proprietary products.
No one else can.

Frostbuster and FrostGuard

The Ultimate Form of Frost Protection and Pollination!

Frost protection for your fruit crop will protect against night frost regardless of wind speed or inversion layer. Positive test results to as low as 25°f. Ideal frost protection for 2.5 acres to 2500 acres. Affordable & Portable. Contact us for more details.